How do construction managers keep track of more than 500 construction sites?

Digitize your construction site with the help of drones and FlyNex.
Receive high-quality data quickly by using drones and the FlyNex platform. This uniform database enables you to digitally document construction, survey, and plan construction, e.g., for Building Information Modeling (BIM) or photogrammetry. In addition, share the acquired insights with the entire team.

FlyNex Digitalisierte Netzinspektion per Drohne
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Be able to act faster thanks to automated and digitized processes.


Carry out surveys, documentation, and volume calculations in just one flight.


Fly a drone to hard-to-reach places and leave your staff safely on the ground.

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Digitalisierte Baudokumentation mit Drohne und FlyNex
“The digitization of construction progress using drones is an important element in the entire construction process, operationally and strategically. Up-to-date, precise data is indispensable for systematized and synchronized trades.”
Jörg Renter, Teamlead BIM and 3D Reality Capturing, Goldbeck
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Benefit from the digitization of your construction sites and find out more!


Please give an approximate indication of the objects (or assets) that your company manages, supervises, operates, or inspects per year.

Example for one object (asset): a power pole, a mast, a building, one hectare of solar park, one hectare of agricultural or forest land, a construction project, or similar.

Please provide the missing information.
Please provide the missing information.
Do you prefer to talk to us directly? No problem! Send us your request and we will get back to you shortly!
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