How a Digital Building Stock Makes the Difference

Imagine being able to view the condition of your properties with just one click without having to be on-site. In the digital age, this is easily possible.

In recent years, digitalization has become an indispensable part of building management. It enables companies to manage their building stock more efficiently, cost-effectively, and sustainably.

In this article, we delve into the significance of a digital building inventory and the role innovative solutions like those from FlyNex play in this.

The digital transformation in the real estate industry is not a trend, but a necessity to stay future-proof.

What Do We Understand by a Digital Building Stock?

A digital building stock consists of digital twins of each individual building, comprising a multitude of data such as location, condition, size, and access routes.

This allows owners, managers, and other stakeholders to quickly access detailed information about the properties, which can be crucial for maintenance, upkeep, energy management, and even emergency responses. The goal is to have an accurate, up-to-date, and always accessible digital representation of the building stock.

The Benefits of a Digital Building Stock

Companies benefit from a digital building stock in many ways:

  1. Central Data Collection: Central storage of all relevant building data simplifies accessibility and management.
  2. Precise Condition Assessment: Accurate and current information about the condition of the properties allows for more effective maintenance and upkeep. It also facilitates compliance with legal regulations and standards, such as traffic safety obligations.
  3. Predictive Maintenance: By analyzing the collected data, potential problems can be identified early and proactively addressed, saving many costs.
  4. Improved Decision Making: A digitalized building stock provides the basis for informed decisions regarding renovations, energy efficiency measures, and investments.
  5. Future-proofing: Digital solutions enable flexible responses to new requirements and changes.

Overall, a digital building stock allows companies to manage their properties more efficiently, cost-effectively, and in a future-oriented manner.

How to Digitize Your Building Stock?

To digitally represent your building stock, current data and suitable software for data processing and management are needed. Many companies often neglect the aspect of data handling. What data do I need to achieve the desired result? How are these data collected? Where are the data stored? Who has access to the data? And most importantly: How are they effectively used?

FlyNex offers individual solutions and services that enable companies to have digital access to current inventory data and use them as efficiently as possible for their purposes.

Innovative Technologies in Use

FlyNex relies on innovative technologies for the digitalization of buildings. Automated deployment of drones and sensors allows for quick and precise data collection on the condition of a building. Artificial intelligence ensures the anonymization of sensitive data (watch this video for more).

Dachinspektion mit Drohne

The data are then processed on the FlyNex Platform. For example, detailed 3D models of your buildings can be created, or a condition analysis of the roofs and facades can be carried out as part of a traffic safety inspection. Reports can be created with a click and automatically land in your software.

Measurements in a 3D model of a building


The digitalization of the building stock is a revolutionary step for the real estate industry, offering far-reaching benefits in terms of efficiency, cost savings, and sustainability. With the tailored solutions and services from FlyNex, companies can lead their building inventory into the digital age and thus arm themselves for all challenges.

Take advantage of the opportunities of digitalization to manage your building stock more effectively. FlyNex is your partner on this journey.

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